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E Liquid Clearance

Vape Juice Clearance Sale

Keep an eye on this sale and make sure you act quickly, because once these sell out they are gone forever!

While some of these prices might seem super cheap, we can assure that there's nothing wrong with the e-liquids in this sale. Many are discontinued lines and some are nearing their expiry, but all of these juices will be good to vape for many months yet!

You'll find some big names in our eliquid sale from our very own KiK range as well as other household names like T-Juice and 88Vape.

This vape juice clearance page will continue to be updated as and when old stock and lines are deemed as discontinued.  

Short Dated or Out of Date E-Liquid for Sale

Like any product that has a 'use before' or 'expiry date', once you go beyond it you can expect there to be some kind of deterioration.

However, when it comes to e-liquid, it can be many months beyond the best before date before there is any kind of noticeable change. And in terms of the changes that happen, they are only likely to affect the liquid as opposed to user.

So vaping an expired eliquid is going to be very different to drinking a glass of out of date milk or eating chicken that's a few days beyond it's best. The smell and taste isn't going to make you recoil, nor is it going to give you a dodgy tum. 

What Happens to Out of Date E-Liquid?

If you continue to store e-liquid sensibly, you probably won't notice any difference at all - not within the first 6 months anyway. However, if changes do start to occur, this will likely be a change in colour or a slight deterioration in the flavour and strength of the nicotine.

But this can happen to any "in-date" vape liquid that isn't stored correctly.

Sold Out

Vape Juice Clearance Sale

Keep an eye on this sale and make sure you act quickly, because once these sell out they are gone forever!

While some of these prices might seem super cheap, we can assure that there's nothing wrong with the e-liquids in this sale. Many are discontinued lines and some are nearing their expiry, but all of these juices will be good to vape for many months yet!

You'll find some big names in our eliquid sale from our very own KiK range as well as other household names like T-Juice and 88Vape.

This vape juice clearance page will continue to be updated as and when old stock and lines are deemed as discontinued.  

Short Dated or Out of Date E-Liquid for Sale

Like any product that has a 'use before' or 'expiry date', once you go beyond it you can expect there to be some kind of deterioration.

However, when it comes to e-liquid, it can be many months beyond the best before date before there is any kind of noticeable change. And in terms of the changes that happen, they are only likely to affect the liquid as opposed to user.

So vaping an expired eliquid is going to be very different to drinking a glass of out of date milk or eating chicken that's a few days beyond it's best. The smell and taste isn't going to make you recoil, nor is it going to give you a dodgy tum. 

What Happens to Out of Date E-Liquid?

If you continue to store e-liquid sensibly, you probably won't notice any difference at all - not within the first 6 months anyway. However, if changes do start to occur, this will likely be a change in colour or a slight deterioration in the flavour and strength of the nicotine.

But this can happen to any "in-date" vape liquid that isn't stored correctly.

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